770 IF OB(31,0)<>-1 THEN PRINT"But I have no food!!":GOSUB 1720:GOTO 120
780 IF OB(NO,0)<>CP THEN PRINT"I don't see it.":GOSUB 1720:GOTO 120
790 IF NO=10 THEN PRINT"The hydra whoofs down the food.":OB(31,0)=0:OB$(10)="a giant hydra rubbing his stomach":GOSUB 1720:GOTO 120
800 IF NO=20 THEN PRINT"The bugs in these caves only eat human flesh.":GOSUB 1720:GOTO 120
810 IF NO<>3 THEN PRINT"You can't be serious.":GOSUB 1720:GOTO 120
820 PRINT"It refuses to eat the food.":GOSUB 1720:GOTO 120
830 IF VB<>14 THEN 910
840 IF NO=10 AND OB(33,0)=CP THEN PRINT"The undertaker just took him away.":OB(33,0)=0:GOSUB 1720:GOTO 120
850 IF OB(NO,0)<>CP AND OB(NO,0)<>-1 THEN PRINT"I don't see it and I'm not holding ii, so how can I hit it?":GOSUB 1720:GOTO 120
860 IF NO=3 THEN PRINT"No!!! I kind of like the parrot! Polly want a cracker?"
870 IF NO=10 THEN PRINT"Okay... The hydra grunts >>DAMN MOSQUITOS<<"
880 IF NO=20 THEN PRINT"Yuch! I don't want to touch it!!!"
890 IF NO=30 OR NO=10 OR NO=20 THEN GOSUB 1720:GOTO 120
900 PRINT"Okay... Ouch! I hurt my hand!":GOSUB 1720:GOTO 120
910 IF VB=15 THEN PRINT"I can't kill anything, I'm too weak. But maybe if you were a bit more specific.":GOSUB 1720:GOTO 120
920 IF VB<>16 THEN 1010
930 IF OB(33,0)=CP AND NO=10 THEN PRINT"It is already burnt to a crisp.":GOSUB 1720:GOTO 120
940 IF OB(6,0)<>-1 THEN PRINT"I don't have a lighter or matches!!":GOSUB 1720:GOTO 120
950 IF NO=3 THEN PRINT"Never!! You know something, you're a sadist.":GOSUB 1720:GOTO 120
960 IF NO=10 AND OB(10,0)=CP THEN OB(10,0)=0:OB(33,0)=CP:PRINT"The hydra crumbles to the ground dead.":GOSUB 1720:GOTO 120
970 IF NO=20 THEN PRINT"The bug cannot be burnt. <GULP>":GOSUB 1720:GOTO 120
980 IF NO=10 THEN OB(10,0)=0
990 PRINT"It doesn't burn."
1000 GOSUB 1720:GOTO 120
1010 IF VB=17 THEN PRINT"And just who do you think I am, Rocky???":GOSUB 1720:GOTO 120
1020 IF VB=18 THEN PRINT"I don't know how to light things. If you want me to burn something, tell me so!":GOSUB 1720:GOTO 120
1030 IF VB<>19 THEN 1120
1050 IF NO=0 THEN PRINT"I don't know what one is.":GOSUB 1720:GOTO 120
1060 IF NO=7 THEN 1080
1070 IF OB(NO,0)<>-1 THEN PRINT"I'm not holding it right now.":GOSUB 1720:GOTO 120
1080 IF CP<>27 THEN PRINT"I don't see any Coke machines here.":GOSUB 1720:GOTO 120
1090 IF NO<>7 THEN PRINT"That is ridiculous.":GOSUB 1720:GOTO 120
1100 IF OB(NO,0)<>-1 THEN PRINT"I have no money.":GOSUB 1720:GOTO 120
1110 IF OB(7,0)=-1 AND CP=27 THEN PRINT"All right. Chikclik Chinggg! A Coke popped out. There is now a bottle of Coke here.":OB(7,0)=0:NT=NT-1:OB(12,0)=27:GOSUB 1720:GOTO 120
1120 REM
1130 IF VB<>21 THEN 1210
1140 IF NO<>18 AND OB(NO,0)=-1 THEN PRINT"It's kind of heavy, you know.":GOSUB 1720:GOTO 120
1150 IF OB(NO,0)<>-1 THEN PRINT"First you have to help me find it, dummy!":GOSUB 1720:GOTO 120
1160 IF CP=10 OR CP=11 THEN 1180
1170 PRINT"Nothing happened":GOSUB 1720:GOTO 120
1180 IF CP=10 THEN CP=11:GOTO 1200
1190 CP=10
1200 GOTO 80
1210 IF VB=23 THEN VB=1:GOTO 120
1220 IF VB=24 THEN PRINT"Try kill ";NO$:GOSUB 1720:GOTO 120
1230 IF VB<>25 THEN 1260
1240 IF NO=21 THEN PRINT"Nothing happened":GOSUB 1720:GOTO 120
1250 PRINT"Sir what??? I don't understand!":GOSUB 1720:GOTO 120
1260 IF VB<>26 THEN 1330
1270 IF CP=1 AND OB(14,0)=-1 AND OB(22,0)=1 THEN PRINT"Okay!!!":GOTO 1460
1280 IF CP<>1 THEN PRINT"I can't.":GOSUB 1720 :GOTO 120
1290 IF VB<>26 THEN 1330
1300 IF OB(14,0)<>-1 THEN PRINT"I can't. I have no tools.":GOSUB 1720:GOTO 120
1310 PRINT"I can't. I don't see the fribulating gonkulator around me.";:IF OB(22,0)=-1 THEN PRINT" I think I have to drop it first." ELSE PRINT
1320 GOSUB 1720:GOTO 120
1330 IF VB<>27 THEN 1410
1340 IF NO=0 THEN PRINT"What the devil is a ";NO$;"??":GOSUB 1720:GOTO 120
1350 IF NO=20 OR NO=10 THEN IF OB(NO,0)=CP THEN PRINT"Yuch!!! I'd never eat a ";NO$;"!!!":GOSUB 1720:GOTO 120
1360 IF NO=10 AND OB(33,0)=CP THEN PRINT"Well... It's cooked now, but it still looks kind of gross.":GOSUB 1720:GOTO 120
1370 IF OB(NO,0)<>-1 THEN PRINT"I'm not holding it.":GOSUB 1720 :GOTO 120
1380 IF NO=3 AND OB(3,0)=-1 THEN PRINT"I'd rather not. I don't care for parrot meat.":GOSUB 1720:GOTO 120
1390 IF NO=31 AND OB(31,0)=-1 THEN NT=NT-1:PRINT"Humm! It was Filet Mignon, my favorite dish.":OB(31,0)=0:GOSUB 1720:GOTO 120
1400 PRINT"I think that ";OB$(NO);" would give me indigestion, and I don't have any Pepto-Bismol.":GOSUB 1720:GOTO 120
1410 IF VB<>30 THEN 1450
1420 IF CP<>10 AND CP<>11 THEN PRINT"Nothing happened.":GOSUB 1720:GOTO 120
1430 PRINT"Nice try, but that's an old, worn out magic word."
1440 GOSUB 1720:GOTO 120
1450 PRINT"I don't know how to do that.":GOSUB 1720:GOTO 120
1460 FOR I=1 TO 1000:NEXT I
1470 PRINT"Out of a maximum of 175 points, you have scored";:J=0
1480 FOR I=1 TO LO:IF OB(I,0)=1 THEN J=J+OB(I,1)
1490 NEXT I
1500 PRINT J;" points."
1510 IF J=175 THEN ?"All give tribute to you, ADVENTURER GRANDMASTER":goto 1590
1520 IF J>165 THEN PRINT"Your score is Master Adventurer Class A.":GOTO 1590
1530 IF J>150 THEN PRINT"Your score is Master Adventurer Class B.":GOTO 1590
1540 IF J>140 THEN PRINT"You are";CHR$(34);"Junior Master";CHR$(34):goto 1590
1550 IF J>120 THEN PRINT"You are now a Seasoned Adventurer":goto 1590
1560 IF J>110 THEN ?"You have the rating: Experienced Adventurer":goto 1590
1570 IF J>100 THEN ?"Your score is a Novice Class Adventurer.":goto 1590
1580 PRINT"You are obviously a rank amateur. Better luck next time."
1590 '
1600 END
1610 PRINT"GADZOOKS!!! A giant bug just walked in to kill me!!!"
1620 FF=1
1630 GOSUB 1720
1640 IF NO$="Sesame" AND VB$="Open" THEN PRINT"The bug has shrunk to it's proper size and scurried away.":GOTO 1700
1650 IF NO<>20 OR VB<>15 THEN PRINT"HELP ME!!! I'm being devoured by a giant bug!!! The end is near! OW!! This hurts!! I'm dying...dying...DEAD!!!":GOTO 1460
1660 IF OB(2,0)<>-1 THEN NO=2:PRINT"I don't have a sword!!!":GOTO 1650
1670 IF SW=8 THEN PRINT"My sword is dull, remember???":NO=2:GOTO 1650
1680 PRINT"Ding! Dong! The bug is dead, the bug is dead!!!"
1690 SW=SW+1:IF SW=8 THEN PRINT"My sword is dull now."
1700 GOSUB 1720:GOTO 120
1710 END
1720 PRINT:INPUT"Enter your command";CM$:PRINT
1740 VB$="":NO$="":VB=0:NO=0
1750 LC=LEN(CM$):FOR I=1 TO LC
1754 IF MID$(CM$,I,1) >"0" THEN VB$=VB$+MID$(CM$,I,1) ELSE GOTO 1760
1755 NEXT I
1770 VB=0:NO$=VB$:GOTO 1800
1790 NO$=RIGHT$(CM$,LEN(CM$)-1-LEN(VB$))
1810 NO=0:RETURN
1840 FOR I=1 TO LO:IF OB(I,0)=CP THEN PRINT"There is ";OB$(I);" here.":PRINT
1850 NEXT I
1860 PRINT"I can go : ";:F2=0
1870 FOR I=1 TO 4:IF P(CP,I)<>0 THEN PRINT NO$(I+22);" ";:F2=1
1880 NEXT I:IF F2=0 THEN PRINT"Nowhere!"
1890 IF CP=18 AND OB(3,0)=-1 THEN PRINT:PRINT M1$
1900 IF RND(35)=5 AND CP<>1 AND CP<>37 AND CP<>27 THEN PRINT:GOTO 1610
1910 IF FD>4 THEN PRINT:PRINT"If you'd like, you can make it easy on yourself by typing N, S, E, or W instead of NORTH, SOUTH, etc.":FD=0
1930 NP=37:DIM P$(NP)
1940 REM
1950 P$(1)="I am in a ship. On a computer screen in here it says: Ship will not function -- Fribulating Gonkulator is burned out. It is obvious that this ship has crashed."
1960 P$(2)="I'm in a cobblestone hallway. I can hear CHIRPING BUGS NEARBY"
1965 DATA 2,6,5,4,8,1,3,5
1970 P$(3)="I'm in a dark room...OH NO!!! There are GIANT bugs all around me!!"
1975 DATA 0,0,0,2
1980 P$(4)="I'm in a small room. A scribbling here says: >>ABBADAC ARBA <<"
1985 DATA 7,0,1,0
1990 P$(5)="I'm in a dusty cobblestone hallway"
1995 DATA 0,25,2,1
2000 P$(6)="I'm in a dusty place. It is very dark in here I'm scared!"
2005 DATA 1,24,0,0
2010 P$(7)="I'm in low crawl space. It seems we're not SUPPOSED to be here!"
2015 DATA 0,4,15,0
2020 P$(8)="I'm in a room with rock walls. Imbedded in the walls are Rubies"
2025 DATA 9,2,0,13
2030 P$(9)="I'm in a dark room. This one is not so scary. I hear groans"
2035 data 10,8,23,0
2040 P$(10)="I'm on the south side of a chasm. Molten lava is beneath me."
2045 data 11,9,0,0
2050 P$(11)="I'm on the north side of the chasm."
2055 data 16,10,0,0
2060 P$(12)="I'm in a maze of twisty little passages."
2065 data 12,12,13,14
2070 P$(13)=P$(12)
2075 data 13,13,8,12
2080 P$(14)=P$(12)
2085 data 14,15,12,14
2090 P$(15)=P$(12)
2095 data 14,15,15,7
2100 P$(16)="on a wood platform. A sign warns: Go back! Go S! weak bridge N"
2105 data 17,11,0,0
2110 P$(17)="dusty passage. A sign points east and says:To TROLLS PLACE"
2115 data 0,16,18,0
2120 P$(18)="A voice booms out:Who dares enter my place (sounds like a TROLL"
2125 data 0,0,19,0
2130 P$(19)="I'm in the troll's palace. It's breathtaking!!!"
2135 data 0,20,0,0
2140 P$(20)="I'm at one end of a secret passage."
2145 data 19,0,0,21
2150 P$(21)="I'm in a secret passage."
2155 data 21,22,20,21
2160 P$(22)=P$(21)
2165 data 21,22,22,23
2170 P$(23)=P$(21)
2175 data 23,23,22,9
2180 P$(24)="I'm in a huge ice cavern. The ceiling and walls are all ice."
2185 data 6,26,25,0
2190 P$(25)="I'm in a room with many animals... Wait! They all ran away"
2195 data 5,0,0,0
2200 P$(26)="I'm in a room with traces of slime on the floor and walls."
2205 data 24,29,27,28
2210 P$(27)="I'm in Al's Diner??? There's a Coke machine. It says: Quarter "
2215 data 0,0,0,26
2220 P$(28)="I'm in a huge pit."
2230 DATA 0,0,26,0
2240 P$(29)="I'm in the hydra room. The walls are all slime."
2245 DATA 26,30,31,32
2250 P$(30)="I'm in the dragon room. It seems to decorated with dragons."
2255 data 29,34,0,33
2260 P$(31)="I'm in a torture chamber. Let's get out of here quick!!"
2265 data 31,31,31,29
2270 P$(32)="This is the clam room. The walls are solid clamshell"
2275 DATA 0,0,29,0
2280 P$(33)="I'm in a mammoth garden. This is all plants."
2285 DATA 0,0,30,0
2290 P$(34)="I'm in the velvet room. The walls and ceiling are velvet."
2295 DATA 30,34,35,0
2300 P$(35)="I'm in an Arabian room. ther is a machine oil slick nearby"
2305 DATA 36,37,0,34
2310 P$(36)="Treasure room.dwarfs guard some treasure.Nothing to flip over"
2315 DATA 0,35,0,0
2320 P$(37)="I'm at Mac's Earthdigger Bodyshop."
2325 DATA 35,0,0,0
2330 DIM P(37,4)
2335 FOR I = 1 TO 37
2336 FOR J = 1 TO 4
2337 READ P(I,J)
2338 NEXT J,I
2340 LO=33:DIM OB$(LO),OB(LO,1)
2350 OB$(1)="a set of keys":OB$(2)="a shiny sword"
2355 DATA 6,0,16,0
2360 OB$(3)="a parrot in a cage":OB$(4)="a gold nugget"